Metor shower tonight: Are you ready to enjoy the meteor shower peak Perseids? The best time to be surprised by a wonderful event this evening and before dawn on Friday.
In fact, when it hosted a live chat NASA astronomer Bill Cooke, then we have the computers ready for the 23 Eastern Time today. The meteorologists expect this year’smeteor shower is active, because the conditions are favorable in some areas where the light of the moon WAS’t be a problem, as provided for machete.
The August Perseids are the most powerful readily observed annual meteor showers, and the maximum activity nominally yield of 90-10 meteors per hour writer Joe Rao column.
Every city or suburb near the lights to see a lot less. Perseids come every year in August and I am a miracle, no less than 2000 years. Thismeteor shower associated with the comet Swift Tuttle, which passes around the sun once every 133 years.
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